KL Martzall Takes Your Privacy Seriously.
Because we gather certain types of information about our users, we want to help you understand the terms and conditions surrounding the collection and use of that information. This privacy statement discloses the types of information we gather and how we use it.
Our web server automatically recognizes visitor domain names and other general information. We collect this information to assess aggregate information about our visitors. The information is used to assess the effectiveness of our site and its content.
This website only collects personal information that you willingly and knowingly provide. For example, if you submit your email address to receive FutureFocus emails. If you do provide us with information, either by signing up for the emails or by sending us an email at the address on the Contact Us page, we will use your information only to respond to you or provide you with the requested information. If you sign up for FutureFocus emails or otherwise indicate that you would like to receive FutureFocus emails, we will periodically send you articles of interest and information about KL Martzall.
If at any time you no longer wish to receive the FutureFocus emails, or if you believe you are receiving updates in error, please send us an email at info@klmartzall.com with the subject "OPT-OUT." Please provide your exact email address (that you originally gave us) so that we can remove it from our mailing list.