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Building Capability in Key Executives

As is often the case, the leadership in this organization was promoted based on industry and technical expertise, experience and performance. For awhile this worked as a leadership foundation. However, over time and resulting from continued growth, the need for skilled management and leadership performance has become essential for sustaining growth and competitiveness. Applying a personal strengths assessment, a capability building system focused on increasing effectiveness was launched with a series of coaching sessions for each key report and for the chief executive. Both performance and the achievement of outcomes were addressed.

Critical Outcomes:

All key executives remain with the organization, some progressing faster than others, however all are building their knowledge and skill sets. Equally the CEO is building coaching skills and this entire executive team has moved this process farther into the organization by engaging their key reports in a similar process for increasing effectiveness through a series of capability building action plans and 1to1's launched over 12 months.